by Diego Barucco

NGC 650
"Little Dumbell Nebula"
"Cork Nebula"
"Barbel Nebula"

RA: 01 h 42m 21,35s
Dec: +51° 34' 06,7 "
Mag. 12,20
Surface bright: 12,18
Dim.: 163 " x 107 "
Central star : 18,48 (sdO?)
Constellation: Perseus

Discovery: Pierre Mèchain 5 sept. 1780
Distance: 1,2 kpc

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NGC 650-1, also known as M 76, is a well known PN because of its inclusion into Messier catalogue. Its moderate magnitude makes it observable in dark skies with the help of an OIII filter, wich gives a good response, to see some details. It's also suggested at least a 6"-8" to see its interesting details.
This nebula is very important because it's been considered the prototype of bipolar planetary nebulas. It is constituted infact by a central bright bar, which is the toroid, and by two opposite lobes. Lobes are clearly more elongated than central toroid (since it is denser so it expands slower); long-exposition Halpha images show also external cone-shaped lobes structures that expand at lower speed: probably these structures had been erupted by the central star during its protoplanetary phase. Central star is small and bright and it's also a tight optical binary system (not a real gravity system, but only a prospective result).

Interesting level : *

Essential bibliography
A kinematical investigation of the bipolar planetary nebula NGC 650-1 - Bryce, M.; Mellema, G.; Clayton, C. A.; Meaburn, J.; Balick, B.; Lopez, J. A. - Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.307, p.253 (1996)

A spatial-kinematical model for the planetary nebula NGC 650-1 - Sabbadin, F.; Hamzaoglu, E. - Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices, vol. 197, Oct. 1981, p. 363-368. Research supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (1981)

English traslation: Renzo Ruisi

Update: Giovedì, Dicembre 13, 2007 3:05 PM

