by Diego Barucco

NGC 7076
Abell 75

RA: 21h 26m 24,04s
Dec: +62° 53' 26,6"
Mag. 17,00
Surface bright : 16,59
Dim.: 67" x 47 "
Central star : 18,00
Constellation: Cefeo

Discovery: William Herschel on October 15, 1794 and identified as a PN by George Abell in 1964
Distance: - kpc
Radius: - pc

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NGC 7076 is an anonymus planetary nebula in the Cefeo constellation, it was discovered from W. Herschel in 1794 but as planetary nebula it was identified only in 1964 by G. Abell that included in his catalog with the number 75. Very often some catalogs show this object as diffuse nebula, which can cause confusion.
Currently this nebula is not interested astronomer and amateur, so much data remain unfinished.
Morphologically appears with rounded shape although asymmetrical and irregular setting but in which we can recognize a double shell. The out shell appears very diffuse with very regular profile rounded, while the inside shell is more compact and bright with extended elliptical shape.
The few available professional images can imagine that this object is in the central evolutive stage, it does not display any stratification of ionization and the central star is weak, this might suggest that the PN central core has just passed the shutdown hydrogen burning stage.
We are waiting for further and more update data.

Interesting level : ****

Update: Venerdì, Ottobre 26, 2007 5:58 PM

